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Supplier SloganNo PhD requiredYour Systems. Working as One.Safety at Your Fingertips.A New Way to Work.Full-Stack Development Platform for the Internet of ThingsSmart Connections
HQ LocationUnited StatesUnited StatesNorwayUnited StatesUnited StatesUnited StatesChinaChinaFinland
Year Founded201519912005201020091981199420032007
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue$10-100m$10-100m< $10m< $10m$100m-1b$100m-1b< $10m< $10m< $10m
Employees< 1051 - 20011 - 5011 - 50201 - 1,0001,001 - 10,00051 - 20011 - 5011 - 50
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Twitter Handle@RealTimeInnov@Norbit_UK@apxlabs@C3IoT@WindRiver@ionsign
Company Description
We are a team of dedicated data engineers, developers and data scientists that work together to help companies solve a plethora of issues with help from the use of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and machine learning.

RTI provides the connectivity platform for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). RTI's solutions connect across field, fog and cloud. Its reliability, security, perfomance and scalability are proven in the most demanding industrial systems. Deployed systems include medical devices and imaging; wind, hydro and solar power; autonomous planes, trains and cars; traffic control; Oil and Gas; robotics, ships and defense. RTI is the largest vendor of products based on the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service™ (DDS) connectivity framework.

Aptomar is a leading provider of Integrated Field Monitoring sensors, systems and services for the oil and gas industry. The company focuses on protecting the safety and integrity of people, the environment and assets by managing; 24/7 oil spill detection and combating, surveillance and security as well as search and rescue in close cooperation with Industry. Year founded: 2005

Upskill provides wearable technology to connect hands-on workers from the factory to the warehouse to the jobsite. Its robust platform, Skylight, connects the industrial workforce with the people, processes, information, and equipment they need to do their jobs with greater efficiency and fewer errors, leaving them hands free to focus on their tasks at hand, and their tools. For organizations in the competitive global market looking to increase productivity, improve quality, reduce costs, train new workers, retain tribal knowledge, and provide a strong foundation for further investments, the future starts with Upskill.

C3 IoT provides a full-stack IoT development platform (PaaS) that enables the rapid design, development, and deployment of even the largest-scale big data / IoT applications that leverage telemetry, elastic Cloud Computing, analytics, and Machine Learning to apply the power of predictive analytics to any business value chain. C3 IoT also provides a family of turn-key SaaS IoT applications including Predictive Maintenance, fraud detection, sensor network health, supply chain optimization, investment planning, and customer engagement. Customers can use pre-built C3 IoT applications, adapt those applications using the platform’s toolset, or build custom applications using C3 IoT’s Platform as a Service. Year founded: 2009

Wind River Systems provides software operating systems and development tools for embedded systems. A microprocessor and software comprise embedded systems, which are used in more than 1 billion products that include auto braking systems, Internet traffic routers, jet fighter control panels, mobile phones, set-top boxes, traffic signals, and other consumer electronics.

Beijing Extech Technology Co. is a leading solution and service provider focusing on modern manufacturing enterprise informationalization which born in 1994. At present it is the unique domestic enterprise which can provide the total integrate solution for the manufacturing industry covering the process of “design, engineering, executive and management.
PERA Global Holdings, Inc. develops, markets, distributes, and provides support for Computer-Aided Engineering products/solutions and design integration platforms. The company develops computer aided engineering design software. The company also offers IT consultancy services.
ionSign is a close-knit group of IoT enthusiasts: coders, engineers and developers. ionSign’s products are electronics packed with smart Embedded Software. They utilize cellular and LAN networks, field buses and RF technologies for collecting and transferring data from commercial and industrial settings. We work closely with system integrators and data analyst firms to provide end-to-end IoT solutions. Besides fitting many purposes straightaway, ionSign’s products provide a versatile platform for case specific device development. We provide it for you.
IoT Solutions
SKY LABS Sky Labs is responsible for developing aircraft predictive maintenance, unmanned flying aircraft, and autonomous flying drones. Predictive analytics and fault diagnostics of high-value engineering systems often involve processing of real-time sensor data to deduct impeding or hidden problems within the underlying system. OCEAN LABS Ocean labs is developing solutions for the marine and shipping industry. These solutions will provide tools for autonomous ship navigation and man-over-board detections system. EARTH LABS Earth labs is developing tools that will be used in agriculture and green energy. There are many areas of agriculture and green energy that AI will have the potential to revolutionize. AI-powered tools for agriculture and green energy will be able to make more intelligent decisions. BODY LABS Body Labs is developing solutions to augment doctors ability to detect cancer and illness with higher accuracy.

RTI is committed to open standards, open community source and open architecture. RTI provides the leading implementation of the Object Management Group Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. For high-performance integrated systems, DDS is the ideal communications protocol. DDS is the technology that delivers the flexibility, reliability and speed necessary to build complex real-time applications. RTI Connext DDS has already delivered proven infrastructures for mission-critical military systems, advanced medical systems, wind turbine farms, air traffic control, robotics and factory automation.

Using proprietary technology and commercially available sensors, Aptomar merges remotely monitored sensor data into a single display and distributes it to create a real-time common operating picture. Experienced operators interpret the combined sensor data and intervene when necessary to alert and support the offshore operator in case of an incident. In 2014– as a response to numerous oil companies who want the industry to take a broader, more systematic approach to field monitoring – Aptomar established a new maritime control center in Trondheim, Norway. The center is called Aptomarin. Aptomarin combines 24/7 competence and monitoring capacity, with robust detection and an efficient and controlled emergency response management. Aptomarin consists of master mariners and professionals with extensive maritime and nautical competence.

Supercharge your workforce with Skylight Deliver higher productivity, higher quality, and reduced costs with wearable computing and Augmented Reality solutions. Easily and quickly deliver customized enterprise apps for smart glasses, smart phones, tablets, and Augmented Reality devices. Skylight abstracts the tedious plumbing and infrastructure required for app development, integration, deployment, and management.

Workers interact with a simple, intuitive software interface available directly in their line-of-sight via smart glasses, smartphones, tablets or Microsoft HoloLens.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced Data Science are rewriting the rules of competition. The advantage goes to organizations that can convert petabytes of freshly arrived and historical data to predictions – more quickly and more accurately than their competitors. Payoffs include better product and service design, promotion, and pricing; optimized supply chains that avoid delays and increase output; reduced churn; higher average revenue per customer; and Predictive Maintenance that avoids downtime for vehicle fleets and manufacturing systems while lowering service costs. To make sense of and act on the unprecedented volume, velocity, and variety of data in real time, companies are applying the sciences of big data, advanced analytics, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Products themselves are being redesigned to accommodate connectivity and low-cost sensors, creating a market opportunity for adaptive systems, a new generation of smart applications, and a renaissance of business process reengineering. The new IT paradigm will reshape the value chain by transforming product design, marketing, manufacturing, and after-sale services. C3 IoT offers a new generation of smart, real-time applications, overcoming the development challenges that have blocked companies from realizing the potential of the Internet of Things. Proven in more than 20 enterprise-scale production environments, the C3 IoT Platform is PaaS for the design, development, deployment, and operation of next-generation IoT applications and business processes.

Building safe and secure systems is the hallmark of Wind River. For the past 30 years they have been ensuring that safety-critical systems, for everything from industrial plants and electrical substations to jet airliners and commuter trains, absolutely work without fail. They are now harnessing our decades of field experience to deploy advanced technologies such as software agents and microkernels to more fully integrate our ultra-reliable operating systems into the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things is officially here. And with it are not only new challenges, but also untapped value and immense opportunity estimated at $19 trillion. Realize IoT’s huge potential with Wind River Helix, a comprehensive portfolio of software solutions for harnessing intelligence to drive innovation and business transformation. With their offering, developers and device manufacturers can not only create the safe, secure, and reliable intelligent systems that make up IoT, but also move the data generated by these systems–from the secure and managed devices at the edge, through the gateway, across the critical network infrastructure, and up into the cloud. Wind River Helix is everything a business needs to both survive and thrive in this exciting new era of data.

Beijing Extech Science&Technology Co., Ltd is a Chinese leading supplier for PLM/MES/MRO products and service; it’s the largest local company in PLM field. With Siemens and Extech's own high-level technical support team, they can provide more professional and reliable integrate solution & service to meet the specific requirement from the customers.
Industrial companies are now facing the era of digitalization of production under every perspectives. Along with the development of Cloud Computing, Big Data and other intelligent technology, Pera Global come up with a industrial cloud intelligent system and technology for a better collabration with the new technology. The industrial cloud is created to support customer-centered intelligent and automation industrial systems. Focusing on PaaS, intelligent R&D and intelligent manufacuring, the industrial cloud can provide a holistic solution for intelligent industrial systems.
Data acquisition devices for IoT & Big Data applications form the backbone of our products. Energy management is an especial core competence, for which we have advanced solutions. ionSign is platform agnostic, our products communicate to your bespoke data system, or the commercial cloud of your choice - MS Azure, AWS, Bluemix, or our own ionSign Cloud.
Key Customers


Audi, Siemens, GE, Volkswagen, Joy Global, BK Medical, DocBox, European Space Agency, Insitu, Lockheed Martin, NASA Human Exploration Telerobotics (HET)

BG Group, Eni Norge, Fafnir Offshore, O.M. Rønning

Boeing, GE, Ryder, Merck, Accenture, Deloitte

Enel, ENGIE, Cisco, Exelon, Endesa, Eversource, Pella, PG&E, U.S. Department of State

Boeing, NASA JPL, Bosch, Olympus, Huawei

China National Erzhong Group, SORL Auto Parts, Xi'an Electric Manufacturing Complex
Macgregor, Enersize, Enegia Group, Idolo, Ekeri
Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingNetworks & ConnectivityWearablesAnalytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Functional ApplicationsInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)SensorsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Processors & Edge IntelligenceAnalytics & ModelingCybersecurity & PrivacyFunctional ApplicationsAnalytics & ModelingPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)Functional ApplicationsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)
IndustriesAerospaceAutomotiveHealthcare & HospitalsOil & GasTransportationUtilitiesOil & GasAerospaceAutomotiveEquipment & MachineryOil & GasRetailTelecommunicationsUtilitiesAerospaceElectrical GridsEquipment & MachineryFinance & InsuranceHealthcare & HospitalsOil & GasRetailTelecommunicationsTransportationUtilitiesAerospaceAutomotiveHealthcare & HospitalsNational Security & DefenseTelecommunicationsAutomotiveCementElectronicsEquipment & MachineryHealthcare & HospitalsUtilities
Use CasesOutdoor Environmental MonitoringMachine Condition MonitoringTrack & Trace of AssetsAugmented RealityAdvanced Metering InfrastructureBuilding Energy ManagementEnergy Management SystemFleet ManagementFraud DetectionPredictive MaintenancePredictive Quality AnalyticsRoot Cause Analysis & DiagnosisVehicle TelematicsVirtual Prototyping & Product Testing
FunctionsDiscrete ManufacturingLogistics & TransportationWarehouse & Inventory ManagementBusiness OperationFacility ManagementLogistics & TransportationMaintenanceProcess ManufacturingProduct Research & Development
ServicesData Science ServicesData Science Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneNoneNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneMinorNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)NoneNoneNoneMinorStrongStrongNoneModerateMinor
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareMinorNoneNoneNoneModerateNoneNoneNoneNone
Analytics & ModelingMinorNoneNoneMinorModerateMinorNoneMinorNone
Functional ApplicationsNoneNoneNoneNoneModerateNoneModerateNoneMinor
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneModerateNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone

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PartnersIBMIBM WatsonAccentureAmazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureAmazon Web Services

Supplier SloganNo PhD requiredYour Systems. Working as One.Safety at Your Fingertips.A New Way to Work.Full-Stack Development Platform for the Internet of ThingsSmart Connections
HQ LocationUnited StatesUnited StatesNorwayUnited StatesUnited StatesUnited StatesChinaChinaFinland
Year Founded201519912005201020091981199420032007
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue$10-100m$10-100m< $10m< $10m$100m-1b$100m-1b< $10m< $10m< $10m
Employees< 1051 - 20011 - 5011 - 50201 - 1,0001,001 - 10,00051 - 20011 - 5011 - 50
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Twitter Handle@RealTimeInnov@Norbit_UK@apxlabs@C3IoT@WindRiver@ionsign
Company Description
We are a team of dedicated data engineers, developers and data scientists that work together to help companies solve a plethora of issues with help from the use of artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and machine learning.

RTI provides the connectivity platform for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). RTI's solutions connect across field, fog and cloud. Its reliability, security, perfomance and scalability are proven in the most demanding industrial systems. Deployed systems include medical devices and imaging; wind, hydro and solar power; autonomous planes, trains and cars; traffic control; Oil and Gas; robotics, ships and defense. RTI is the largest vendor of products based on the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service™ (DDS) connectivity framework.

Aptomar is a leading provider of Integrated Field Monitoring sensors, systems and services for the oil and gas industry. The company focuses on protecting the safety and integrity of people, the environment and assets by managing; 24/7 oil spill detection and combating, surveillance and security as well as search and rescue in close cooperation with Industry. Year founded: 2005

Upskill provides wearable technology to connect hands-on workers from the factory to the warehouse to the jobsite. Its robust platform, Skylight, connects the industrial workforce with the people, processes, information, and equipment they need to do their jobs with greater efficiency and fewer errors, leaving them hands free to focus on their tasks at hand, and their tools. For organizations in the competitive global market looking to increase productivity, improve quality, reduce costs, train new workers, retain tribal knowledge, and provide a strong foundation for further investments, the future starts with Upskill.

C3 IoT provides a full-stack IoT development platform (PaaS) that enables the rapid design, development, and deployment of even the largest-scale big data / IoT applications that leverage telemetry, elastic Cloud Computing, analytics, and Machine Learning to apply the power of predictive analytics to any business value chain. C3 IoT also provides a family of turn-key SaaS IoT applications including Predictive Maintenance, fraud detection, sensor network health, supply chain optimization, investment planning, and customer engagement. Customers can use pre-built C3 IoT applications, adapt those applications using the platform’s toolset, or build custom applications using C3 IoT’s Platform as a Service. Year founded: 2009

Wind River Systems provides software operating systems and development tools for embedded systems. A microprocessor and software comprise embedded systems, which are used in more than 1 billion products that include auto braking systems, Internet traffic routers, jet fighter control panels, mobile phones, set-top boxes, traffic signals, and other consumer electronics.

Beijing Extech Technology Co. is a leading solution and service provider focusing on modern manufacturing enterprise informationalization which born in 1994. At present it is the unique domestic enterprise which can provide the total integrate solution for the manufacturing industry covering the process of “design, engineering, executive and management.
PERA Global Holdings, Inc. develops, markets, distributes, and provides support for Computer-Aided Engineering products/solutions and design integration platforms. The company develops computer aided engineering design software. The company also offers IT consultancy services.
ionSign is a close-knit group of IoT enthusiasts: coders, engineers and developers. ionSign’s products are electronics packed with smart Embedded Software. They utilize cellular and LAN networks, field buses and RF technologies for collecting and transferring data from commercial and industrial settings. We work closely with system integrators and data analyst firms to provide end-to-end IoT solutions. Besides fitting many purposes straightaway, ionSign’s products provide a versatile platform for case specific device development. We provide it for you.
IoT Solutions
SKY LABS Sky Labs is responsible for developing aircraft predictive maintenance, unmanned flying aircraft, and autonomous flying drones. Predictive analytics and fault diagnostics of high-value engineering systems often involve processing of real-time sensor data to deduct impeding or hidden problems within the underlying system. OCEAN LABS Ocean labs is developing solutions for the marine and shipping industry. These solutions will provide tools for autonomous ship navigation and man-over-board detections system. EARTH LABS Earth labs is developing tools that will be used in agriculture and green energy. There are many areas of agriculture and green energy that AI will have the potential to revolutionize. AI-powered tools for agriculture and green energy will be able to make more intelligent decisions. BODY LABS Body Labs is developing solutions to augment doctors ability to detect cancer and illness with higher accuracy.

RTI is committed to open standards, open community source and open architecture. RTI provides the leading implementation of the Object Management Group Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. For high-performance integrated systems, DDS is the ideal communications protocol. DDS is the technology that delivers the flexibility, reliability and speed necessary to build complex real-time applications. RTI Connext DDS has already delivered proven infrastructures for mission-critical military systems, advanced medical systems, wind turbine farms, air traffic control, robotics and factory automation.

Using proprietary technology and commercially available sensors, Aptomar merges remotely monitored sensor data into a single display and distributes it to create a real-time common operating picture. Experienced operators interpret the combined sensor data and intervene when necessary to alert and support the offshore operator in case of an incident. In 2014– as a response to numerous oil companies who want the industry to take a broader, more systematic approach to field monitoring – Aptomar established a new maritime control center in Trondheim, Norway. The center is called Aptomarin. Aptomarin combines 24/7 competence and monitoring capacity, with robust detection and an efficient and controlled emergency response management. Aptomarin consists of master mariners and professionals with extensive maritime and nautical competence.

Supercharge your workforce with Skylight Deliver higher productivity, higher quality, and reduced costs with wearable computing and Augmented Reality solutions. Easily and quickly deliver customized enterprise apps for smart glasses, smart phones, tablets, and Augmented Reality devices. Skylight abstracts the tedious plumbing and infrastructure required for app development, integration, deployment, and management.

Workers interact with a simple, intuitive software interface available directly in their line-of-sight via smart glasses, smartphones, tablets or Microsoft HoloLens.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced Data Science are rewriting the rules of competition. The advantage goes to organizations that can convert petabytes of freshly arrived and historical data to predictions – more quickly and more accurately than their competitors. Payoffs include better product and service design, promotion, and pricing; optimized supply chains that avoid delays and increase output; reduced churn; higher average revenue per customer; and Predictive Maintenance that avoids downtime for vehicle fleets and manufacturing systems while lowering service costs. To make sense of and act on the unprecedented volume, velocity, and variety of data in real time, companies are applying the sciences of big data, advanced analytics, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing. Products themselves are being redesigned to accommodate connectivity and low-cost sensors, creating a market opportunity for adaptive systems, a new generation of smart applications, and a renaissance of business process reengineering. The new IT paradigm will reshape the value chain by transforming product design, marketing, manufacturing, and after-sale services. C3 IoT offers a new generation of smart, real-time applications, overcoming the development challenges that have blocked companies from realizing the potential of the Internet of Things. Proven in more than 20 enterprise-scale production environments, the C3 IoT Platform is PaaS for the design, development, deployment, and operation of next-generation IoT applications and business processes.

Building safe and secure systems is the hallmark of Wind River. For the past 30 years they have been ensuring that safety-critical systems, for everything from industrial plants and electrical substations to jet airliners and commuter trains, absolutely work without fail. They are now harnessing our decades of field experience to deploy advanced technologies such as software agents and microkernels to more fully integrate our ultra-reliable operating systems into the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things is officially here. And with it are not only new challenges, but also untapped value and immense opportunity estimated at $19 trillion. Realize IoT’s huge potential with Wind River Helix, a comprehensive portfolio of software solutions for harnessing intelligence to drive innovation and business transformation. With their offering, developers and device manufacturers can not only create the safe, secure, and reliable intelligent systems that make up IoT, but also move the data generated by these systems–from the secure and managed devices at the edge, through the gateway, across the critical network infrastructure, and up into the cloud. Wind River Helix is everything a business needs to both survive and thrive in this exciting new era of data.

Beijing Extech Science&Technology Co., Ltd is a Chinese leading supplier for PLM/MES/MRO products and service; it’s the largest local company in PLM field. With Siemens and Extech's own high-level technical support team, they can provide more professional and reliable integrate solution & service to meet the specific requirement from the customers.
Industrial companies are now facing the era of digitalization of production under every perspectives. Along with the development of Cloud Computing, Big Data and other intelligent technology, Pera Global come up with a industrial cloud intelligent system and technology for a better collabration with the new technology. The industrial cloud is created to support customer-centered intelligent and automation industrial systems. Focusing on PaaS, intelligent R&D and intelligent manufacuring, the industrial cloud can provide a holistic solution for intelligent industrial systems.
Data acquisition devices for IoT & Big Data applications form the backbone of our products. Energy management is an especial core competence, for which we have advanced solutions. ionSign is platform agnostic, our products communicate to your bespoke data system, or the commercial cloud of your choice - MS Azure, AWS, Bluemix, or our own ionSign Cloud.
Key Customers


Audi, Siemens, GE, Volkswagen, Joy Global, BK Medical, DocBox, European Space Agency, Insitu, Lockheed Martin, NASA Human Exploration Telerobotics (HET)

BG Group, Eni Norge, Fafnir Offshore, O.M. Rønning

Boeing, GE, Ryder, Merck, Accenture, Deloitte

Enel, ENGIE, Cisco, Exelon, Endesa, Eversource, Pella, PG&E, U.S. Department of State

Boeing, NASA JPL, Bosch, Olympus, Huawei

China National Erzhong Group, SORL Auto Parts, Xi'an Electric Manufacturing Complex
Macgregor, Enersize, Enegia Group, Idolo, Ekeri
Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingNetworks & ConnectivityWearablesAnalytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Functional ApplicationsInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)SensorsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Processors & Edge IntelligenceAnalytics & ModelingCybersecurity & PrivacyFunctional ApplicationsAnalytics & ModelingPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)Functional ApplicationsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)
IndustriesAerospaceAutomotiveHealthcare & HospitalsOil & GasTransportationUtilitiesOil & GasAerospaceAutomotiveEquipment & MachineryOil & GasRetailTelecommunicationsUtilitiesAerospaceElectrical GridsEquipment & MachineryFinance & InsuranceHealthcare & HospitalsOil & GasRetailTelecommunicationsTransportationUtilitiesAerospaceAutomotiveHealthcare & HospitalsNational Security & DefenseTelecommunicationsAutomotiveCementElectronicsEquipment & MachineryHealthcare & HospitalsUtilities
Use CasesOutdoor Environmental MonitoringMachine Condition MonitoringTrack & Trace of AssetsAugmented RealityAdvanced Metering InfrastructureBuilding Energy ManagementEnergy Management SystemFleet ManagementFraud DetectionPredictive MaintenancePredictive Quality AnalyticsRoot Cause Analysis & DiagnosisVehicle TelematicsVirtual Prototyping & Product Testing
FunctionsDiscrete ManufacturingLogistics & TransportationWarehouse & Inventory ManagementBusiness OperationFacility ManagementLogistics & TransportationMaintenanceProcess ManufacturingProduct Research & Development
ServicesData Science ServicesData Science Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneNoneNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneMinorNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)NoneNoneNoneMinorStrongStrongNoneModerateMinor
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareMinorNoneNoneNoneModerateNoneNoneNoneNone
Analytics & ModelingMinorNoneNoneMinorModerateMinorNoneMinorNone
Functional ApplicationsNoneNoneNoneNoneModerateNoneModerateNoneMinor
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneModerateNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone

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