Navigine Corporation

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Navigine Corporation

United States
< $10m
11 - 50
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Navigine is a leading provider of indoor positioning and Tracking solutions, offering cutting-edge technology and expertise to enable seamless navigation of indoor environments. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, Navigine is dedicated to driving the advancement of indoor positioning technology and empowering developers to create transformative location-based applications.

Navigine’s cutting-edge technology utilizes a combination of location-powered technologies and sensory data to provide accurate, real-time indoor positioning and Tracking services. Whether it's helping shoppers find products in a mall, guiding patients through a hospital, or optimizing workflow in a warehouse, Navigine empowers businesses to enhance customer experiences, improve operational efficiency, and unlock new location-powered opportunities.

Navigine solutions can work with any type of IoT technology hardware: Wi-Fi, RFID, Bluetooth, UWB and so on.

Navigine Indoor Navigation SDK is a Software Development Kit designed to help developers integrate indoor navigation and positioning capabilities into their mobile applications.

Navigine Asset Tracking Platform (RTLS) is an equipment Tracking web-based platform and employee-monitoring system that allows to effectively address safety and workflow optimization issues. The RTLS platform provided by Navigine empowers businesses to effectively monitor positioning and movement of all valuable assets on predefined digital maps.

The IoT ONE Radar indicates a vendor's relative focus on hardware, software and services.
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