Bosch > Case Studies > Transport Platform - Serving the Energy Data Management

Transport Platform - Serving the Energy Data Management

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 Transport Platform - Serving the Energy Data Management - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Sensors - Utility Meters
Applicable Industries
  • Utilities
Applicable Functions
  • Facility Management
Use Cases
  • Advanced Metering Infrastructure
The Customer
About The Customer
EWZ is one of the few companies that produces, handles, transports and distributes energy in the city of Zurich, with more than 900 employees.
The Challenge

The challenge for EWZ was to design the processes so that they could be traced easily and meet the standards for handling exchange processes in line with the market such as automation of bulk data exchange and exchange processes as well as their implementation according to the SDAT and MC-CH industry documents, integration of the very heterogeneous IT landscape, and no in-house development but a tried and tested standard product.

The Solution

inubit provides automation of the metering and scheduling data transport as per SDAT via FTP, backup with e-mail communication, integration of the energy data management and energy industry systems, and use of the preconfigured “ebIX LW” for supplier changes. Software Components - inubit Business Process Management (BPM)

Data Collected
Connectivity Status, Energy Consumption Rate, Energy Production, Operation Performance
Operational Impact
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Labor]
    inubit's fast implementation of changes to the system environment and its ease-of-use allowed EWZ to save time and personnel costs for operating the system.
  • [Data Management - Data Analysis]
    inubit solutions enable aggregation of 'big data' to enable more robust analysis.
  • [Data Management - Data Availability]
    Availability has been increased further by ensuring that the data is transferred smoothly without any manual intervention, even if an FTP server fails.
Quantitative Benefit
  • EWZ bundles more than 600 data exchange processes every day and a further increase is to be expected.

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