NEC > Case Studies > The True Cost of Downtime for Manufacturers

The True Cost of Downtime for Manufacturers

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 The True Cost of Downtime for Manufacturers - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Processors & Edge Intelligence - Embedded & Edge Computers
The Customer
Progressive Stamping
About The Customer
Progressive Stamping, Inc. was founded in 1999 as a die stamping and assembly plant of Midway Products Group, Inc. based in Ottoville, Ohio. Progressive Stamping Incorporated (PSI) specializes in the rigorous testing of welding and structural operations o
The Challenge

The testing, checking and tracing of the component source is essential to produce quality products. Servicing customers when company representatives are in the field addressing possible failures. Maximum uptime. Progressive Stamping, Inc. wanted a solution that can meet all these requirements.

The Solution

The solution is capable of alerting IT administrators to technical issues and allowing them to diagnose and address problems from remote locations quickly. Express5800 Fault Tolerant servers offer the highest levels of system availability and data integrity for Windows environments.

Data Collected
Alarms For Automated Applications, Control System Alert, Downtime, Product Testing, Uptime
Operational Impact
  • [Efficiency Improvement - R&D]
    Ongoing application development and improvements are relatively quick and inexpensive to implement due to the system's flexibility.
  • [Management Effectiveness - Internal Collaboration]
    Deeper integration of information across departments and business units improves internal collaboration and end-to-end customer service.
Quantitative Benefit
  • Express5800 Fault Tolerant servers delivers up to 99.999% uptime, with no single points of failure to prevent data loss.

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