Zerone Technologies > Case Studies > IoT Based Health Monitoring System

IoT Based Health Monitoring System

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 IoT Based Health Monitoring System - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Networks & Connectivity - WiFi
Applicable Industries
  • Healthcare & Hospitals
Applicable Functions
  • Business Operation
Use Cases
  • Remote Patient Monitoring
About The Customer
A leading provider of healthcare software products based in the UK. The customer develops a wide range of software solutions to support various healthcare missions sponsored by NHS, UK.
The Challenge

The primary challenge was to monitor the progress of the plans adopted by the patients. In most cases, the patient will start with a plan and give up in the middle. It is important to motivate them to continue through the plan.

The Solution

We integrated numerous IoT medical diagnostics devices available in the market that help in monitoring blood pressure, glucose level, pulse rate, weight and other health parameters.

Data Collected
Blood Pressure, Electronic Medical Record, Operation Performance, Personal Medical, Health Parameters
Operational Impact
  • [Cost Reduction - Operation]
    The application helps the hospitals and home care providers to reduce the number of home visits. This in turn reduces their operational costs.
  • [Data Management - Real Time Data]
    Health parameters recorded by any devices are now updated instantly in the application used by doctors. Similarly, the attendees of the patients are also updated on time.
  • [Process Optimization - Remote Monitoring]
    Physicians could monitor patient conditions remotely and suggest appropriate medicines.
Quantitative Benefit
  • 60% Cost savings due to reduction in home visits.

  • 3x Improvement in tracking the effectiveness of healthcare plans.

  • 100% Consolidated as well as individual patient reports accessible to doctors.

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