SmartLog > Case Studies > Increasing Asset Health & Uptime: Chiller Connect

Increasing Asset Health & Uptime: Chiller Connect

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 Increasing Asset Health & Uptime: Chiller Connect - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
  • Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
  • Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
  • Functional Applications - Enterprise Asset Management Systems (EAM)
  • Networks & Connectivity - LoRa
  • Sensors - Temperature Sensors
Applicable Industries
  • Equipment & Machinery
Applicable Functions
  • Maintenance
Use Cases
  • Predictive Maintenance
About The Customer
Combining embedded based chiller data and an AI engineer results in a move from maintenance to prevention and predictability. Optimizing asset health, minimizing asset failures and understanding optimal maintenance programs are critical to reducing operat
The Challenge

Companies are facing greater challenges than ever before when it comes to making sure their cooling equipment operates at maximum efficiency. One of the challenges is the need to understand how equipment is performing to optimize their use, their health and to anticipate issues and failures. Having an HVAC service engineer who continuously monitors the chiller is unrealistic.

The Solution

Smart sensors in combination with embedded based chiller data infrastructure delivers real-time, historical and predictive insights into chiller health and maintenance needs.

Data Collected
Asset Status Tracking, Asset Utilization, Cooling Meters, HVAC ( heating, ventilation, air conditioning), Uptime
Operational Impact
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Asset Utilization]
    Optimizing asset health.Minimizing asset failures.
  • [Cost Reduction - Operation]
    Reduce operation cost, improve customer service and create service-level agreements

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