Case Studies > e-tailer BAUR increases warehouse efficiency

e-tailer BAUR increases warehouse efficiency

 e-tailer BAUR increases warehouse efficiency - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Automation & Control - Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Applicable Industries
  • Utilities
Applicable Functions
  • Warehouse & Inventory Management
Use Cases
  • Remote Control
The Customer
About The Customer
As a market leader in the service and maintenance of electrical power distribution systems and their components, BAUR has been making a significant contribution to efficient and problem-free power supply around the world for 70 years.
The Challenge

BAUR has 3 large, fully automated logistics departments at three locations in Germany, responsible for controlling warehouse receiving docks, high-rack storage machinery, conveyor belts and sorting technology. BAUR wants to improve warehouse operation.

The Solution

BAUR is using EXTEND7000 to improve its warehouse operations by allowing the monitoring and control of automated processes to be extended to an ordinary mobile device, smartphone or tablet. EXTEND7000 is a mobile application which routes information between the central automated / maintenance systems and mobile devices. It applies additional logic to the users, user groups, user rights, message lters, escalation schemes, and team workows.

Data Collected
Alarms For Automated Applications, Operation Performance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Production Efficiency
Operational Impact
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Labor]
    Avoiding unnecessary walkways, improving the efficiency of staff deployment and saving time enable employees to increase productivity.
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
    Problems are indicated to line operators when the condition of a device or associated equipment changes beyond predetermined limits.
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
    EXTEND7000 can function as a SCADA backup in the event of a WinCC failure.
Quantitative Benefit
  • Employee efficiency increasing by 15%.

  • The company's support telephone call costs reduced by 60%.

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