Emerson > Case Studies > Alcan Achieves Early Start Up with AMS

Alcan Achieves Early Start Up with AMS

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 Alcan Achieves Early Start Up with AMS - IoT ONE Case Study
Technology Category
  • Automation & Control - Distributed Control Systems
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Device Management Platforms
Applicable Industries
  • Metals
Applicable Functions
  • Process Manufacturing
Use Cases
  • Machine Condition Monitoring
  • Process Control & Optimization
The Customer
Alcan International
About The Customer
Alcan International, a Canadian world leading mining company and aluminium manufacturer.
The Challenge

Alcan had a tight schedule to expand its bauxite to alumina mineral processing refinery from 2.2 to 3.8 million tons. Alcan’s challenge included balancing the capital cost, minimizing the number of construction personnel on-site, integrate the green-field and brown-field facilities without affecting current operating facilities whilst achieving project budget, schedule and quality.

The Solution

Alcan decided to expand using a Pre-Assembled Module (PAM) concept which enabled all modules to be built offsite in Thailand and Vietnam. By using Emerson's DeltaV and AMS Device Manager to pre-commission FOUNDATION fieldbus devices, Alcan significantly reduced man-hours and experienced cost savings. Software Components - DeltaV and AMS Device Manager

Data Collected
Device Diagnostic Status, Labor Costs, Maintenance Requirements, Man Hours, Operating Cost
Operational Impact
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Maintenance]
    Real-time status reports enable maintenance personnel to remotely diagnose the status of a device.
  • [Efficiency Improvement - Installation]
    Technicians are able to query instruments remotely during commissioning to confirm device functionality.
  • [Cost Reduction - Energy]
    The amount of energy used in production processes can be lowered and made more efficient.
Quantitative Benefit
  • The project was executed 10 months early.

  • Termination costs reduced by 30%.

  • The system reduced 30% engineering cost such as loop drawings.

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